Sunday, August 11, 2013

Feng Shui Door Colors

Feng Shui is a practice that claims to use color and placement to affect energy, or chi, within the home. Choosing the right door color for the front door and other doors within the home can affect the Feng Shui balance of the building and is said to lead to positive effects for the individuals who live there.

Feng Shui recommends painting the front door red if the house faces south. The direction of the home plays a major role in determining the best color for a door. Red is said to help improve fame and reputation. The front door is also called the mouth of chi since energy enters and leaves the home. Choosing a bright and auspicious color, according to Feng Shui, will fill the home with more positive chi and reduce negative energy.

According to the Easy Feng Shui website, individuals with doors that face northeast, southwest, west or northwest should paint the doors yellow. Yellow is a bright color that attracts positive chi to the home and can influence the energy levels of the house, according to Feng Shui practices. The direction of the door is determined by standing inside the room and facing the door; the compass direction from that vantage point is the direction of the door.

Cool Colors
Easy Feng Shui recommends blue, green, black or purple doors, among other colors like turquoise and white, to individuals with doors that face north, northeast, east, southeast or south. These colors help to open the mouth of chi and make the door visible and inviting to new opportunities. An important factor in choosing a color is to ensure that it is kept looking fresh and neat as peeling or cracked paint can represent depleted chi, according to the website.

1 comment:

  1. I finally managed to give the talk titled, "Feng Shui for the Wellbeing of the Family" this afternoon. What a big relief! I was worried about the presentation for a few days and today I can finally take a rest. fengshui
