Yin Colors
In Feng Shui practice, yin colors represent healing and relaxation. Yin colors are black, white, purple, blue, green and pink. Black is symbolic of power and money, so best avoided in the bedroom. White is a calming color that represents purity, and purple is associated with spiritual awareness, making both of these colors good bedroom choices. Blue is calming, soothing and peaceful, but also represents adventure and exploration, so should be used sparingly. Pink is ideal for the bedroom as it represents love, and is often teamed with another great bedroom color -- green. Green represents renewal, new beginnings and fresh energy.
Yang Colors
The yang colors are red, orange, yellow, maroon, lavender and gold. These colors should be kept to a minimum in the bedroom because they are very stimulating. They make it difficult to fall asleep and prevent restful, relaxing sleep. They can even cause anxiety. However, small splashes of yang colors add warmth, life and energy to the room. Combine small amounts of yang colors with white, pink, green, blue or purple. A bedroom color scheme should contain three to five colors, with one color more dominant than the others. For example, use green (yin) as the main color, pink (yin) as the secondary color, and splashes of maroon (yang) and lavender (yang).
Compass Direction
Compass direction plays a big part in choosing the right colors for your bedroom. Draw the outline of your home on a piece of paper and then divide into nine sections. Use a compass to label each box with the correct compass direction. North-facing rooms benefit from blue and black. Northwest or west-facing rooms benefit from white. Northeast, central and southwest rooms benefit from earthy colors and yellow. South benefits from red. Southeast and east-facing rooms benefit from green. Although the corresponding colors may not be suitable for the bedroom, a small splash of the relevant color is sufficient, a candle or flower for example.
Your Personality
Your personality is another area that plays a large part in choosing the correct bedroom colors. If you have a very fiery personality, use a color that opposes this such as calming blue or white. If you feel you lack energy, introduce small splashes of yellow or red. If you have a dreamy personality and you find it hard to focus, add a little orange to the room as this color helps focus the mind and encourages concentration. If you are single and looking for love, use plenty of pink as this color represents love and matters of the heart.
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