Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to Create a Romantic Bedroom With Feng Shui

Is your bedroom giving you the blahs? Has your love life gone down in (lack of) flames? Give your room a feng shui makeover and transform it into a romantic retreat. In the Chinese culture, romance begins in the feminine (yin) essence and vibration of the room but it uses the balance of male (yang) and female energy to energize the chi completely. Feng shui is all about balance. There are several easy things you can do to get that romantic energy flowing through your room and through your relationship once again.

Clear out the clutter first of all. Your bedroom should be peaceful and relaxing and filled with positive energy, not a pile of junk, books, or dirty clothes. These do nothing for your chi and they don’t contribute to sexy, romantic feelings either. A major area to focus on is under your bed. It should be free and clear of any clutter so the energy can flow under, over and around your bed clearly.

Ditch the computer and dispose of the TV. These are horrible energy suckers and don’t belong in your bedroom. If they must remain, invest in cabinets that can house your electronics and be closed at night. Armoires and computer cabinets with doors are great ways to hide those electronic energy sappers.

Toss out the exercise equipment, another feng shui bedroom blunder and major no-no. Exercise equipment is work and is male energy; it is not relaxing or conducive to a romantic environment. Do you even use that stuff for anything other than a clothes rack? Ditch it.

Create a love shrine dedicated to you and your lover. Use symbols and items that remind you of love and passion. They could be paintings, photos (especially romantic ones of you and your honey), even statutes of two people intertwined. Heart-shaped items are another great symbol for love and passion.

Arrange everything in twos. One is the loneliest number and that applies to feng shui as well. For romance, passion, and love everything should be in twos. Two paintings, two photos, two candles, two nightstands, etc. Photos of the two of you together are positive images that should be displayed around the room as well.

Watch out for water elements in the bedroom. Not only can these put a damper on the flames of passion it can cause financial downfall, and we all know nothing kills the romance like money troubles. Water elements can be symbolized by fish tanks, fountains, even paintings and photos of lakes, streams, ocean, beaches and more. Get them out of the bedroom.

Increase your passion with the right colors. Reds, pinks, and burgundies are fabulous colors for a bedroom, very feminine and passionate. Avoid white (which symbolizes death), grays, blues and other cool pastel colors.

Pass on the polyester and go for all natural. From your bedding to your furniture skip the synthetics and go for the real goods: cotton, bamboo, hemp, and silk for the bedding is fantastic and real wood for the furniture is a sure thing.

Keep it gender neutral. Even though you want feminine energy you don’t want to overpower the man with frilly, lacey, girly stuff. Keep it simple and pleasurable for you both. Stick the stuffed animals elsewhere as they are not sexy.

Stir the flames of passion with actual fames. Light some candles, throw some logs on the fireplace or burn an oil lamp. Fire is good for romance.

Add some visual aids and sexy symbols. Rev up the romance with some erotic visual stimulation. It could be paintings of lovers, erotic statues, even a few erotic novels on the nightstand may do the trick. Make sure to put red objects on the woman’s nightstand and copper on the man’s. This will increase sexual libido in each partner.

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